What if you could will ideas into action?

Setting all the moving parts into gear is no easy feat. Catalystas can help you balance, bringing the pieces of your projects together into a holistic strategic action plan and sparking transformation and impact. From helping maintain internal processes to building capacity, expanding activities, and supporting program implementation, Catalystas is here to assist you in smoothing the transition from thinking to doing.

We Offer Support In

Gender Mainstreaming:

Gender isn't just a buzzword; it's an ethos. Catalystas can help make sure your activities - both internal and external - are inclusive and understanding of the different barriers and needs faced by men, women, and nonbinary people, as well as the strengths and perspectives they bring. We can modernize your policies, develop action plans for gender-sensitive implementation, and identify areas for improvement with tailored recommendations.

Management Consulting:

Effective leadership is the key to effective execution. Catalystas can work directly with the leadership of your organization to examine and assess internal processes, identify problems, and prepare tailored solutions. We provide coaching and training, change-management assistance, strategy development, and operational improvement support, all aimed at ensuring execution readiness.

(Interim) Project Implementation:

If your team is stretched to capacity, Catalystas is here to help. We can provide support throughout the implementation phase of your project, bringing clear communication, timely and cost-effective delivery of results, and strong leadership and management skills that will help your team achieve their full potential. We have experience handling complex, multifaceted environments, balancing responsibilities, and tracking progress towards milestones and objectives - whether at the beginning, middle, or end stage of a project. We will ensure that your project stays on track, handing you the reins once your team is fully prepared to take over the implementation process.

Expansion Strategy Advising:

Expansion doesn't always come naturally. Once you've tested your pilot project successfully, Catalystas can help your organization build a multilayered strategic approach to expansion, replication, or aggregation. We can ensure your findings are valid and backed by data, design a new expanded methodology and accompanying monitoring and evaluation framework, develop a roadmap and action plan for steps to roll out expansion activities, and prepare your team for implementation.

Digitization Consulting:

In today's largely virtual world, it is more important than ever for your organization to be effectively "plugged in". Catalystas can help your team ensure a smooth transition from in-person to digital program activities - in particular with regard to continuing programming in an ongoing and post-Covid-19 era. We can support you in bringing your team and your beneficiaries online, choosing the right platforms, maintaining high quality security standards and good "cyber hygiene", and organizing online systems for ease of access, continuation, and future expansion.

Online & Offline Training:

Consistent capacity building is essential for growth, development, and effective program implementation. Catalystas designs and delivers tailored trainings, in-person or remotely, to support your team in advancing their skills and knowledge, learning new techniques and methods, and boosting the capabilities of your organization. We offer trainings in both thematic and technical topics, including diplomatic communications, ethical data collection, gender sensitivity, digitization, blockchain and fintech, economic empowerment, and marketing, among other subjects.

Welcome to Lysta: The Catalystas Database of Experts!

We built Lysta as an answer to one of our own problems: the need to quickly assemble teams of experts across various subject matter, geographic, linguistic, and thematic areas for projects and proposals as they arise. We quickly realized that we were not the only ones facing this challenge! With the speed that development projects require hiring, turnaround, and technical insights, we see first hand how helpful it is to have a ready-made database of vetted experts to call on.

For existing and potential Clients, you can access all consultant full profiles by signing up here as a client for free.

For consultants, adding your profile to Lysta means jumping to the top of the list for our clients in recruitment processes. We do the heavy lifting: the CV reviews, interviews, vetting, and personnel management; so when our clients come to us, they know they’re hiring someone they can trust to deliver high quality, timely results. Click here to add your profile for review.

We’re proud to be a link in the chain that connects the best of the best – don’t hesitate to reach out and see how you can put Lysta to work for you!